
    By establishing a company in Burdur, we made meaningful contributions to the host communities by providing working places for the local people and giving them an opportunity to get a good job and work in the region they live. İn addition to this, education and training became a constant part of their life so we continue supporting the institution and students in all aspects. Especially students of the mining industry, informing them both about the sector and the operation. By providing internship opportunities in university sector, we show our efforts in preparing them for this industry. Today, when we became able to solve the problem of employment depletion in quite a big city Burdur, we believe in the mining industry being in one of the biggest sectors.

    The mining sector’s growth will continue to bring new hopes in the future. We will also continue to be responsive to community needs of the area where we work. A better future is possible for everyone. Employment in this sector will become a reality and will improve living standards of many families and their children. For people who are not living in big cities a better life is not a dream. Being a part of the mining industry and the Global Mining Company, we are happy to make dreams come true. We strongly believe that the growth of the Global Mining family, along with the improvement of employment capacity and family standards, will also lead to the growth of children's dreams and ideals.

    İn future mining sector is a safer and more technologically advanced and modern sector, carrying a sense of responsibility towards nature. Leaving a healthy environment for our children is a business culture of very great importance for us.

    Global Mining implements the scope of the strategies in the regions it operates in order to develop approaches to ensure the continuity of the conservation of biological diversity. All employees are regularly trained and taught environmental policy and environmental risk analysis. İmproving and developing the field of specialised staff is one of the company’s main environmental objectives.

    We ensure transparent engagement on environmental issues with communities affected by our activities. We close our mines in a manner that supports both the ecosystem of the host community and the environment inside our company. The whole team of Global Mining is strongly supported as well as their new ideas and projects on caring environment and comply with our work productivity policy.

    We follow the work of other mining companies in big cities and get inspired by their projects based on caring and preserving the environment, believing that we can advance our strength and achieve excellence in the name of the nature and the future of our country.